S p e a k i n g

Mark on Mike at Xichang.jpg

Mark is a compelling speaker—eloquent, witty and lyrical. He speaks winningly to audiences as diverse as law firms, sports clubs, primary schools, hospitals and psychotherapists. He is a passionate and engaging advocate for a lyric way of living and doing business, for an ecological reimagination of our work and ourselves, for graceful speech in civic life, and for the uses of poetry in shaping lives of spiritual wealth and societies shaped by sound and ennobling values.

“The struggle to improve our sentences is the struggle to improve ourselves,” Mark has written. “Our futures will depend,” he has written elsewhere, “on how well we care for the health of our sentences and ecologies.”

Much of his speaking addresses the justice we do, or fail to do, to our lives and the lives of all beings, by virtue of how well we language and how well we conserve the wild. “A Poet’s Guide to Climate Change” and “Recasting the Exquisite Spell” are two of his offerings.    

“Mark is uniquely talented at articulating the otherwise-ineffable. I find myself constantly referring back to his words of wisdom, those sparkling gems of insight…"

—Sherre Strange