The Poetry Studio:
Every Thursday

A Weekly Online Poetry Workshop



Every Thursday from 9 March 2023

9:00am–12:00pm (AET).

(Wednesday evenings in North America.)


$80 AUD each session

Payment on registration.

Time zone converter here:


BECAUSE the next hardest thing after starting a poem is finishing it, and because we make poems in solitude, but need a safe space to share them and repair them before they’re done, I’m launching the Poetry Studio. Once a week for three hours, I’ll throw open the virtual doors of my poetry studio as a space for feedback and guidance and inspiration. 

I won’t be teaching, but I’ll be listening, along with everyone who comes along, and offering thoughts about writers’ works in progress. I may share some new work of my own now and then, and I’ll share a good poem I’ve come across—for inspiration and any guidance it has to offer on craft and ideation and fashion and form. Come each week, if you like, or check in as often as it suits you. I see the studio as a poetry hearth, around which I’d like to foster a community of making, but numbers will vary. 

Bring a poem or two you want to workshop, and we’ll share as many as time allows. But I’ll be there each Thursday in the zoom room from nine am Sydney time (AEST) till noon. This time should work for poets in Canada and the US. In time I may offer a second time-slot for poets in the UK and Europe. 

The Poetry Studio caters to a need expressed by many poets, including many who take my online masterclass: for an informal but structured and supportive online space, where they can come to share and test new work and help sustain their poetry practice.

The Poetry Studio is set up as a recurring event. Put these dates in your calendar, and register here ($80 AUD) each time to visit. See you there.  

A weekly online poetry workshop led by Mark Tredinnick. Pay as you go. Drop in when you can or make a weekly habit of it at the Poetry Studio.

a date:
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“One of our greatest living poets, and a superb teacher.”

––Peter Bishop


 “Without Mark Tredinnick's teaching, I may never have dared step so fully into the poetry world.”

––Ali Whitelock,
And My Heart Crumples Like a Coke Can


“Mark is unlike any teacher I've had. If you have the chance to learn from Mark, take it.”

—Caroline Wagner